15 dezembro 2020

IM Gestão de Ativos (IMGA) gathered a total sum of 23,750 euros as part of the "Solidarity Day", held last December 3rd, which will be delivered to Ajuda de Berço (6,000 euros), to Associação Crescerbem (6,000 euros), Associação Vida Norte (6,000 euros) and Associação aTTitude (5,750 euros).

IMGA is one of the ten companies that are part of the CIMD Group, which, for the 16th consecutive year, carried out this initiative that aims to reinforce the spirit of solidarity, promoting an active participation with its customers and partners with this solidarity cause, through full revenue donation from the activity generated by the Group on that day, to the Portuguese and Spanish Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), which comply with the principles of transparency and good practice.

This year, in a joint action with its customers, partners and employees, the CIMD Group's donation totaled 201,485 euros, having already surpassed the level of 4 million euros donated in these 16 years of solidarity activity.

The rest of the funds were distributed to Spanish NGOs (for more detailed information, you can consult the Group's website, Grupo CIMD)


Additional Information:



Ajuda de Berço has existed since 1998, a project to provide care, shelter and a home for babies and unprotected children. With two homes - in Alcântara (babies aged 0-2 years) and Monsanto (children aged 2-9 years), it is now building Casa Nova, in Benfica, where it intends to extend the project to provide special care, allowing those children who have no family background or prospects for adoption to spend their lifespan with affection, dignity and appropriate medical care for their condition.



Associação aTTitude IPSS was formally created in September 2014 with the mission to “Empower, Educate & Inform”. Its purpose is to help Children with complex health needs and their Families to have access to the best possible health care, wherever and whenever necessary. In Portugal it is estimated that there are more than 8,000 children / young people with palliative needs. During 2020, aTTitude was not indifferent to the pandemic and launched a tutorial video “Covid 19 in Pediatric Palliative Care: Recommendations for Caregivers.”



Associação Crescerbem is an IPSS (Private Social Solidarity Institution), which operates from Dona Estefânia Hospital since 2011, with the mission of “Empowering the family in a personalized way, so that they acquire autonomy and independence, allowing the child to grow with dignity”. Crescerbem is a fundamental element in monitoring the family, in the context of home, inpatient or outpatient. Families feel unprotected and the Association not only protects them but also guides them during their intervention, training them in a real life context and helping them to overcome difficulties in various aspects: health, hygiene, food, pharmacy, employment and schooling. In 2020 (data until November), Crescerbem supported: i) Outpatient clinic: 360 Families; ii) Domicile: 46 Families, which corresponds to 157 people; iii) Internment: 283 Families (1862 breakfasts); iv) Laundry: 202 uses and v) Educational project: 33 children, with the allocation of 18 laptops.



Associação Vida Norte is an IPSS (Private Social Solidarity Institution) that operates in Porto and Braga with the main mission of supporting pregnant women and babies in situations of fragility, ensuring close monitoring, until the babies reach 18 months of life, with a view to training the family and building an autonomous, responsible and happy life project. In 2020, they received 180 help requests from pregnant women - currently individually monitoring 108 families - and saw that 61 babies were born. Given the particularly difficult circumstances of this year, in addition to the accompanied families, they supported 136 more with goods and guidance for other responses, taking into account their situations.

Fonte: Commercial & Marketing Division
